Meditation of a writer

I’m starting to think or believe that my life may depend upon this
As if existence itself is nothing without honest pure and courageous expression

The act of baring your insides to the world is nothing less than a savage cannibalistic Instinct.
Born from the dark impenetrable equatorial jungles to the holy prairies and the mountains of madness

If you think you’ve gone to far….

you haven’t gone far enough



Enfolding the environment in its vice like grip as it does our hearts
Isa the great purifier of souls rejuvenating life as its frostbitten touch fades spirits away
Contemplative and savage and dark are its days in the kingdom so beautifully cold
Cleansing fractals descend from the upper worlds to layer a blanket of desolation on all life
Sparing none to its gifts all obeys the barren command as winter creeps forth
unearthly this spectral tidal wave of dark inertia creeps, frost fingers kissing the earth
Isa embodiment of stasis capturing the essence of all who attempt to challenge or oppose its command