Windows draft

Windows of life windows of infinite opportunity and endless adventure..
Wisdom in my estimation is achieved by knowing and embracing your windows as they appear and going through them.. To the otherside..
The realm of possibility, chance and if you allow it opportunity

The embryo for writing a book has been slowly growing inside my scattered collection of thoughts for a long fucking time.. Always the inadequate feeling that my memories would serve no purpose.. No impact. However ive come to learn this to be untrue. Everyone has a least one book in them, as the saying goes. Well i have lived it feels a thousand lives, adventures and sites that few have seen..
I have danced with death so many god damn times that we’re now close friends… And these experiences have fundamentally changed both my world view and how i interact with people.
Life becomes very sharp and electric when your faced with your own mortality. Memories become burned into your internal workings and stay with you, they have power these events. A strange alluring power to completely shift your mindset and subtlety affect day to day choices

I have been shot at, blown up, i have rode ontop a truck naked and drunk.. Howling at the moon.
Ive been so cold that icicles have formed inside my nose and watched a friend lose his fingers in front of my eyes in – 42 degree temperatures. 1 month before this sad event i nearly died in a white out blizzard and plunged into a frozen fjord a few days later.
I have seen mass graves and children with missing limbs, I have drank and gambled with islamist terrorists, found love in ceasefire, met so called famous dignitaries and ive been in Jail for climbing over a bard wire fences
Taken high grade Acid on a plane bound to Bosnia
Been hunted by wolves, been in hundreds of altercations with the fine police force establishments around the world
Drove my body to the limits of human endurance and attained championship titles. Published poetry, released an album and the most challenging, life rewarding and profound experience of all? becoming a father of 3 amazing children

Dont get me wrong im not a dye in the wool hippy, i am not a peaceful man

I was born in the heady days of punk rock, trade union strikes and racial tension on the rubbish strewn streets of Portsmouth. A working class city dominated by the royal Navy ship yards and Englands military history. Every single person i grew up with had served in the armed force’s.. And this became almost a background soundtrack to my life.. A sweet heart rowsing chorus that took me years to turn the volume down, or maybe i just discovered that singing my own song was more natural?
Life as a young child was as a whole boring. I could never stay out of trouble, never rest and never cease to chase excitement where ever i could find it.

Live now! This echo has reverberated around my mind for nearly half a century, like a repeating dream that leaks into my cortex oh every now and then. Swimming naked, unbound wild and most importantly free!!
Freedom what does that really mean to you? What does this holiest of words.. Seldom understood and almost always abused. Actually represent to your imagination?